
Meet Pandora

You have opened an official record of the NeverNeath,
a preternatural realm that exists within your own world.
Beneath you, around you, through you, just beyond the edge of all that you know and all that you are, lies the unknown.

Behold the NeverNeath.

The NeverNeath subsists just beyond the edge of all that you know, all that you are, a blink and a breath away from a barrier called the Veil.

Only those chosen may see past the Veil and into our world.
And you, dear reader, have been chosen.

If you dare venture further inside, be warned that the secrets held within these pages are to be guarded above all others, lest the knowledge of the NeverNeath be unleashed upon the earth. The consequences of such an event could be disastrous for both the mortal and the immortal realms.

I am Pandora, the keeper of memories, and this is the story of a monster who believed himself unworthy of love and the girl who proved him wrong.